Mark Joseph Lamden


Mark Joseph

Naturopathic Medicine


Languages Spoken



Private Practice

Doctor Lamden has been a licensed naturopathic physician since 1986 and an adjunct professor for Bastyr University for over 30 years. He is currently seeing patients on Mondays and Wednesdays in practitioner care and private practice at Bastyr Center for Natural Health.


"I am committed to helping patients achieve their health goals without chemical or surgical interventions. I am a strong believer in the body's ability to heal itself, given the support of natural therapeutics. I hope to help patients develop treatment plans that address the removal of barriers to their wellness and optimal health."

Dr. Lamden practices as a primary care physician, treating a wide range of health-related conditions with non-prescription drug therapeutics. Dr. Lamden has a strong interest in the development and use of diet and nutritional approaches for individualized patient treatment plans. Dr. Lamden uses conventional diagnostic testing (blood testing, imaging etc.) when appropriate and/or non-conventional diagnostic testing (food allergy panels, saliva testing etc.) to determine the best options for each patient. Patients seeking evidence-supported approaches to achieving optimal health outcomes are all welcome.

  • BS University of the State of New York
  • ND John Bastyr College of Naturopathic Medicine

Diet and natural approaches
