Danielle Ung


headshot of Danielle Ung



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Team Care

Assistant Professor in the Department of Counseling and Health Psychology


Dr. Danielle Ung is an assistant professor in the Department of Counseling and Health Psychology, teaching undergraduate and master level students in the topics of lifespan development, research methods, statistics, psychopharmacology and multicultural psychology. As a licensed clinical psychologist, she also serves as a clinical supervisor at Bastyr Center for Natural Health. Dr. Ung is the primary advisory for the ALANA Mentorship Group. In her private practice Dr. Ung provides psychological assessments, parent training, social skills training, behavioral interventions using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and evidence-based treatments with youth and their families with anxiety, OCD, depression, ADHD, and autism. Dr. Ung trained at the University of South Florida (2016) and Nationwide Children’s Hospital (2017) with a focus on research and clinical interventions on anxiety disorders, OCD, and autism spectrum disorders. 

Dr. Ung is a licensed clinical psychologist and Director of Clinical Training in the Masters counseling program. She received her doctorate at the University of South Florida and post doctorate at Nationwide Children's Hospital. She currently teaches undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Counseling and Health Psychology at Bastyr University.

Clinical Psychology, Child and Adolescent development, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Anxiety, Depression
